We are delighted to be able to offer some rental accommodation through the partnership we have confirmed with Share Instead, a well established Sheffield Housing Cooperative.

Share Instead started as a housing co-op in Sheffield in 2012, and after 10 successful years in a big, Victorian terraced house, the co-op joined forces with Five Rivers Cohousing to enable the offer of some rented accommodation in new, eco-sensitive flats in Wisewood, S6.

Share Instead will retain its cooperative structure within Five Rivers Cohousing including its membership of the Radical Routes network.

Rentals will be kept low enough to be covered by Housing Benefit if claimed. All members of Share Instead will of course be full members of the wider cohousing project with equal access to decision making, shared spaces and so on.

Anyone wanting to live in Share Instead at Five Rivers needs to become a member of Five Rivers Cohousing alongside being considered as a member of Share Instead as well.

Find out more about Share Instead::

Share Instead on WIKI

Find out more about housing cooperatives in general from Shelter:

Shelter – information about housing cooperatives

As of August 2023 there are no spaces available to rent through share instead but if you are interested in hearing more please contact Share Instead for full details on shareinstead@gmail.com

Share Instead Housing Co-operative Limited is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.  Registry number: 31563R